gtk_lists.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include "../ut/ut_cast.h"
#include "../ut/ut_umem.h"
#include "../ut/ut_os.h"
#include "../gui/gui_types.h"
#include "../gui/gui_base.h"
#include "../gui_gtk2/gtk_base.h"
#include "../gui_gtk2/gtk_lists.h"

Data Structures

struct  CSV_struct


int GUI_list2_modCol (MemObj *mo, int iCol, char *txt)
int GUI_list1_dlg_w (char *sels, int sSiz, void *parWin, char *winTit, char *fNam, char *mode, char *titLst[], char *opts)
int GUI_list1_dlg_exit (void *parent, void *data)
void GUI_list1_dlg_del ()
int GUI_list1_dlg__ (MemObj *o_par, char *winTit, char *fNam, char *mode, char *titLst[], void *funcnam, char *opts)
MemObj GUI_list1__ (MemObj *o_par, char *fNam, char *mode, char *titLst[], void *funcnam, char *opts)
MemObj GUI_list2__ (MemObj *o_par, char *fNam, char *mode, char *titLst[], void *funcnam, char *opts)
int GUI_list1_add_f (MemObj *mo, char *fNam, char *mode)
int GUI_list2_add_f (MemObj *mo, char *fNam, char *mode)
int GUI_list1_add_l (MemObj *mo, char *c1, char *c2, char *c3)
int GUI_list1_clear (MemObj *mo)
int GUI_list1_f (void *list_store, char *fnam, char *mode)
int GUI_list2_f (void *list_store, char *fnam, char *mode)
int GUI_list1_cbKey (void *parent, void *event, MemObj mo)
int GUI_list1_cbMouse (void *parent, void *ev, MemObj mo)
int GUI_list1_cbSel (void *selection, MemObj mo)
int GUI_list1_dlg_cbw (Obj_gui2 *go, void **data)
int GUI_list1_h2_cb1 (void *selection, void *data)
int GUI_list1_h2_cb3 (void *parent, void *data)
int GUI_list1_h2__ (char *titP, char *titC, char *lButP, char *txtP, char *fnamP, void *funcP, void *funcC, char *opts)


static GtkWidget * UI_list1_win =NULL
static void * UI_List_p1
static void * UI_List_p2
static void * UI_List_p3
static void * UI_List_p4
static void * UI_List_p5
static GtkListStore * UI_ListStore
static int GUI_list1_msbt
static int GUI_list1_evt
static int GUI_list1_stat
static char GUI_list1_s1 [256]
static char GUI_list1_s2 [256]
static char GUI_list1_s3 [256]
static char GUI_list1_s4 [256]
int UI_fontsizX
int UI_fontsizY
GtkWidget * UI_act_wi
GtkWidget * UI_MainWin

Function Documentation

int GUI_list2_modCol ( MemObj *  mo,
int  iCol,
char *  txt 
modify column # <iCol> of active (selected) Line
iCol ColNr; 0=first !
txt ColText
int GUI_list1_dlg_w ( char *  sels,
int  sSiz,
void *  parWin,
char *  winTit,
char *  fNam,
char *  mode,
char *  titLst[],
char *  opts 
GUI_list1_dlg_w list from file in a new window, waiting.
sSiz size of sels in characters
parWin, parent-window; NULL for primary window
winTit window-title
fNam filename of list to display; mode=nr of words per line
mode "1" selection returns 1 word;
"2" selection returns 2 words;
titLst 1 or 2 headertitles; NULL = none
opts options; (HorSiz,VertSiz)
HorSiz,VertSiz: size in characters; default is automatic size.
'e' = expand widget; default is fixed size.
Examples: "" or "10" or "10e,e"
"10e,e" horiz. size 10 chars, hor. and vert. expandable.
sels selected string, 1 or 2 words, separated by \n
RetCod: 0 OK, data valid
-1 cancelled by user
add option filter to GUI_List
int GUI_list1_dlg_exit ( void *  parent,
void *  data 
list-window exiting; report to user ..
void GUI_list1_dlg_del ( )

GUI_list1_dlg_del delete list-window GUI_list1_dlg

int GUI_list1_dlg__ ( MemObj *  o_par,
char *  winTit,
char *  fNam,
char *  mode,
char *  titLst[],
void *  funcnam,
char *  opts 
GUI_list1_dlg__ list from file in a new window, modal, callback.
o_par parent-window; NULL for primary window
winTit window-title
fNam filename of list to display; mode=nr of words per line
mode "1" selection returns 1 word;
"2" selection returns 2 words;
titLst 1 or 2 headertitles; NULL = none
funcnam callback-function of selection
opts options; (HorSiz,VertSiz)
HorSiz,VertSiz: size in characters; default is automatic size.
'e' = expand widget; default is fixed size.
Examples: "" or "10" or "10e,e"
"10e,e" horiz. size 10 chars, hor. and vert. expandable.
funcnam prototype:
int funcnam (MemObj *mo, void **data);
// data=table of 5 pointers;
0=TYP_EventPress|TYP_EventExit GUI_DATA_EVENT
1=mousButtonNr(1|2|3) GUI_DATA_I1
2=colNr(1|2) GUI_DATA_I2
3=sel.Text col.1; GUI_DATA_S3
4=sel.Text col.2 (only if colNr=2) GUI_DATA_S4
TYP_EventExit is returned from cancel list; no further data.
Example see GUI_list1__
MemObj GUI_list1__ ( MemObj *  o_par,
char *  fNam,
char *  mode,
char *  titLst[],
void *  funcnam,
char *  opts 
list from file; 1 or 2 columns; callback.
Values may not have blanks.
File with 2 columns: value1 - a single blank - value2
o_par parentBox
fNam filename of list to display; mode=nr of words per line
mode "1" selection returns 1 word;
"2" selection returns 2 words;
titLst 1 or 2 headertitles; NULL = none
funcnam callback - returns the selected line (as list of words)
opts options; (HorSiz,VertSiz)
HorSiz,VertSiz: size in characters; default is automatic size.
'e' = expand widget; default is fixed size.
negative values: size in pixels.
Examples: "" or "10" or "10e,e"
"10e,e" horiz. size 10 chars, hor. and vert. expandable.
funcnam prototype:
int funcnam (void *parent, void **data);
// data=table of 5 pointers;
0=TYP_EventPress|TYP_EventEnter GUI_DATA_EVENT
1=mouseButtonNr or keyCode GUI_DATA_I1
2=colNr(1|2) GUI_DATA_I2
3=sel.Text col.1 GUI_DATA_S3
4=sel.Text col.2 (only if colNr=2) GUI_DATA_S4
Cursorkeys (up,down), page-keys (up,down) provide a usercall of type
TYP_EventEnter; GUI_DATA_I1 gives the keyCode (eg GUI_KeyCurUp)
MousButtonClicks provide a usercall of type TYP_EventPress;
GUI_DATA_I1 gives the mouseButtonNr (GUI_MouseL|GUI_MouseM|GUI_MouseR)
DoubleClick provides 3 userCalls of type TYP_EventPress; first and second
with GUI_MouseL, the third call with GUI_Mouse2L.
The Enter-key provides a usercall of type TYP_EventPress;
GUI_list1__ (Box, "list2.dat", "2", NULL, cb_list_sel, "60,10");
printf(" mouseButtNr=%d selColNr=%d\n",GUI_DATA_I1,GUI_DATA_I2);
printf(" txt sel |%s|%s|\n",GUI_DATA_S3,GUI_DATA_S4);
Example with titles:
char *tiTab[] = {"ID","Value"};
GUI_list1__ (Box, "list2.dat", "2", tiTab, cbl, "");
MemObj GUI_list2__ ( MemObj *  o_par,
char *  fNam,
char *  mode,
char *  titLst[],
void *  funcnam,
char *  opts 
list from file; 2 or 3 columns; callback.
Values may have blanks ..
Fileformat: csv ..
o_par parentBox
fNam filename of list to display; mode=nr of vals; NULL = none.
mode "2" selection returns 2 words;
"3" selection returns 3 words;
titLst 2 or 3 headertitles or NULL = no headers
funcnam callback - returns the selected line (as list of words)
opts options; (HorSiz,VertSiz)
HorSiz,VertSiz: size in characters; default is automatic size.
negative values: size in pixels.
'e' = expand widget; default is fixed size.
Examples: "" or "10" or "10e,e"
"10e,e" horiz. size 10 chars, hor. and vert. expandable.
funcnam prototype:
int funcnam (void *parent, void **data);
// data=table of 5 pointers;
0=TYP_EventPress|TYP_EventEnter GUI_DATA_EVENT
1=mouseButtonNr or keyCode GUI_DATA_I1
2=colNr(1|2) GUI_DATA_I2
3=sel.Text col.1 GUI_DATA_S3
4=sel.Text col.2 (only if colNr=2) GUI_DATA_S4
5=sel.Text col.2 (only if colNr=3) GUI_DATA_S5
Cursorkeys (up,down), page-keys (up,down) provide a usercall of type
TYP_EventEnter; GUI_DATA_I1 gives the keyCode (eg GUI_KeyCurUp)
MousButtonClicks or the Enter-key provide a usercall of type TYP_EventPress;
GUI_DATA_I1 gives the mouseButtonNr (1|2|3) or DoubleClick (4) or
ReturnKey (13).
DoubleClick provides 3 userCalls of type TYP_EventPress; first and second
with mouseButton 1, the third call with mouseButton=4.
GUI_list2__ (Box, "list3.csv", "3", NULL, cb_list_sel, "60,10");
int cb_list_sel (MemObj *mo, void **data) {
printf(" mouseButtNr=%d selColNr=%d\n",GUI_DATA_I1,GUI_DATA_I2);
printf(" txt sel |%s|%s|%s|\n",GUI_DATA_S3,GUI_DATA_S4,GUI_DATA_S5);
Example with titles:
char *tiTab[] = {"ID","Value","Info"};
GUI_list2__ (Box, "list2.dat", "3", tiTab, cbl, "60,10");
int GUI_list1_add_f ( MemObj *  mo,
char *  fNam,
char *  mode 
add lines from file to list
fNam filename of list to display; mode=nr of words per line
mode "1" selection returns 1 word;
"2" selection returns 2 words;
int GUI_list2_add_f ( MemObj *  mo,
char *  fNam,
char *  mode 
add lines from file to list
fNam filename of list to display; mode=nr of words per line
mode "1" selection returns 1 word;
"2" selection returns 2 words;
int GUI_list1_add_l ( MemObj *  mo,
char *  c1,
char *  c2,
char *  c3 
add line to list (1,2 or 3 columns)
Also for GUI_list2.
int GUI_list1_clear ( MemObj *  mo)
int GUI_list1_f ( void *  list_store,
char *  fnam,
char *  mode 

GUI_list1_f INTERNAL populate list 1 or 2 columns from file (sep = blank)

int GUI_list2_f ( void *  list_store,
char *  fnam,
char *  mode 

GUI_list2_f INTERNAL populate list 2 or 3 columns from csv-file

int GUI_list1_cbKey ( void *  parent,
void *  event,
MemObj  mo 
int GUI_list1_cbMouse ( void *  parent,
void *  ev,
MemObj  mo 
int GUI_list1_cbSel ( void *  selection,
MemObj  mo 
GUI_list1_cbSel INTERNAL callback list selection (list1 & list2)
sig changed: from mouse-select, key-blank, key-PageDwn !
isel always 0
calls user with 0=TYP_EventPress|TYP_EventEnter GUI_DATA_EVENT
1=mousButtonNr(1|2|3)Return(13) GUI_DATA_I1
2=columnNr(1|2|3) GUI_DATA_I2
3=sel.Text column.1; GUI_DATA_S3
4=sel.Text col.2 (only if colNr=2) GUI_DATA_S4
5=sel.Text col.3 (only if colNr=3) GUI_DATA_S5
int GUI_list1_dlg_cbw ( Obj_gui2 *  go,
void **  data 
int GUI_list1_h2_cb1 ( void *  selection,
void *  data 
GUI_list1_cbSel INTERNAL callback list selection
sig changed: from mouse-select, key-blank, key-PageDwn !
isel always 0
calls user with 0=TYP_EventPress; GUI_DATA_EVENT
2=mousButtonNr(1|2|3) GUI_DATA_I1
3=colNr(1|2) GUI_DATA_I2
4=sel.Text col.1;a GUI_DATA_S3
5=sel.Text col.2 (only if colNr=2) GUI_DATA_S4
int GUI_list1_h2_cb3 ( void *  parent,
void *  data 

INTERNAL; parent-button pressed; display parentList fnamP

int GUI_list1_h2__ ( char *  titP,
char *  titC,
char *  lButP,
char *  txtP,
char *  fnamP,
void *  funcP,
void *  funcC,
char *  opts 
make hierarchical SelectList. Select childObject or
select "Parents" with "<<--" -Button.
selecting parents-button changes childList -> parentList
selecting parentObject gets new childList by calling funcP
selecting childObject exits (provides parentText and childText by funcC)
titP titletext for selection of parent
titC titletext for selection of child
lButP caption parents-button
txtP active parent
fnamP Name of file for parents
funcP user has selected a parent; create childlist from selected parent.
funcC user has selected a child; exit and report selection -> user.
opts options; (HorSiz,VertSiz)
HorSiz,VertSiz: size in characters; default is automatic size.
'e' = expand widget; default is fixed size.
Examples: "" or "10" or "10e,e"
"10e,e" horiz. size 10 chars, hor. and vert. expandable.
1 - destroy HList;
0 - keep HList.
-2 file fnamP does not exist
funcP (char *fnamC, char *parentTxt) {}
funcC (char *parentTxt, char *childtxt) {}

Variable Documentation

GtkWidget* UI_list1_win =NULL
void* UI_List_p1
void * UI_List_p2
void * UI_List_p3
void * UI_List_p4
void * UI_List_p5
GtkListStore* UI_ListStore
int GUI_list1_msbt
int GUI_list1_evt
int GUI_list1_stat
char GUI_list1_s1[256]
char GUI_list1_s2[256]
char GUI_list1_s3[256]
char GUI_list1_s4[256]
int UI_fontsizX
int UI_fontsizY
GtkWidget* UI_act_wi
GtkWidget* UI_MainWin