Doku gcad3d_gMsh CadCam-Services Franz Reiter Program gMsh1 Version 1.12 / 2022-06-09 Purpose: create mesh from points and lines, inner-boundaries and outer-boundary. All input-data is read from textfiles. See: File_format_points File_format_breaklines_boundaries File_format_meshfile-gcad File_format_meshfile-dxf File_format_controlfile Program-structure: gcad3d-plugin gMsh1 - does: start executable GUI_gMsh1 (see Exe_GUI_gMsh1) GUI_gMsh1 displays menu for file-selection, creates controlfile start executable gcad3d_gMsh - gcad3d_gMsh creates meshfile (see Exe_gcad3d_gMsh) display meshfile Example_using: - start plugin gMsh1 (Plugin/gMsh1) or restart plugin with Ctrl-P - select Controlfile (button select or button edit) - edit to add / use setenv - record(s), files with symbolic directories; - file-format see File_format_controlfile - click into entry under "Controlfile:" to enter new controlfilename - select pointfile - click button under "filename-points", select a file (double-click), - select checkbox "PT" to display point-ID's - click button "Mesh" - key Ctrl-P - in grafic-window, restart plugin - click button "ViewLog" - display logfile for last mesh ======================================================== File_format_points one line in file describes one point; 3 floats per line; example: 56,-53794.775,352988.157,299.1700 ======================================================== File_format_breaklines_boundaries one line in file describes one linesegment; 6 floats per line; example: -53752.162961,352943.624041,0.000000,-53767.243715,352944.934356,0.000000 ======================================================== File_format_meshfile-gcad the first lines can be errormessages, starting with "# ERROR " followed by: - section points ("SECTION PTAB _") - lists all points, ends with "SECTIONEND" - section mesh ("SECTION MESH _") - lists all faces and edgelines, ends with "SECTIONEND" - edgetypes: edgetyp=1 breakline, user defined edgetyp=2 outer-boundary, automatic created edgetyp=3 inner-boundary, user defined edgetyp=4 outer-boundary, user defined edgetyp=5 inner-boundary, computed points edgetyp=6 outer-boundary, computed points =PTAB =MSH ======================================================== File_format_meshfile-dxf - export of faces as 3DFACE - export of lines as POLYLINE - VERTEX - export of points as POINT (3D) ======================================================== File_format_controlfile filetype of controlfiles is ".gmsh1" # Optional: define symbolic direcories; Example: setenv MSHDIR /home/test/gCAD3D/gMsh1/ # use symbol for filenames eg: # ms_pt $MSHDIR/pt1.dat # System-variables can be used for setenv; Linux: $varnam; MS: %varnam% # Optional: define filename for the logfile; # Default is actMdl.log in the directory of the commandfile logfile # Optional: define filename for outputfile (mesh, points, curves); # Default is actMdl.gcad (or actMdl.dxf) in the directory of the commandfile # Using command outfile do not add a filetype - # - "gcad" or "dxf" will be added according to the cad-format outfile # The commands setenv logfile and outfile have to be defined with the Editor. # These commands must be before the following commands set by GUI. # Optional: set cad-format of output: "gcad" (the default) or "dxf" outfmt # do not display faces (default is to display faces) no_disp_fac # display face-centerpoints disp_fce # display points disp_pt # display breaklines disp_bl # display input-breaklines disp_blIn # display outer-boundary and inner-boundaries disp_bd # display input-boundaries (outer-boundary and inner-boundaries) disp_bdIn # The default-input- and output-directory for all files is the directory of # this commandfile. # Symbolic diretctory must be used with preceding '$'-character. See setenv above. # pointfile ms_pt # file breaklines ms_bl # inner-boundaries ms_ib # outer-boundary ms_ob # Optional: define name of pointset (identification of section points) pt_def_id # Optional: define name of mesh (identification of section mesh) ms_def_id ======================================================== Exe_GUI_gMsh1 - executable exists for Linux and MS-Windows - displays menu for file-selection, creates controlfile - default directory for all files is Data/gMsh/ - Data is a symbolic directory, default is $HOME/gCAD3D/dat/ - filetype of controlfiles is ? ======================================================== Exe_gcad3d_gMsh - executable exists for Linux and MS-Windows - input is a controlfile (see File_format_controlfile) - creates meshfile, format gcad or dxf - default-filename - Linux: /tmp/actMdl.gcad or /tmp/actMdl.dxf - see File_format_meshfile-gcad or File_format_meshfile-dxf # eof